Previous incidents
Unable to Upload Coverage Files
Resolved Aug 06 at 01:40pm BST
The issue has now been resolved and file uploads will work as normal. Thank your for your patience while this was fixed!
2 previous updates
Estimated Views are currently unavailable on new imports
Resolved Jul 31 at 04:07pm BST
This issue has now been resolved and estimated views will show. Please let us know if you have any clips which are not showing this metric.
1 previous update
Delays in coverage imports
Resolved Jul 08 at 06:15pm BST
Imports are now working as usual, we'll continue to monitor, if you have any questions or need help with a report please email a link to the report and details to and we'll reply as soon as we can.
1 previous update
CoverageBook is performing slowly for some users
Resolved Jun 12 at 10:30am BST
This has now been resolved, apologies for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or are still experiencing any other issues please get in touch with us at
1 previous update